It is that time of the year when you look back to see what has been done but also look forward to see what will be coming in the new year :

First things first, let me express my gratitude to all of my customers who trusted me again this year and with whom I enjoyed some great and diversified shows including cocktails for luxury international brands, shows for cities, corporate diners, team-buildings, and so on. And of course, I must thank the Place d’Armes who hired for the fourth time for their incredible New Year’s Eve party.
I had the opportunity to travel a lot in 2019 and to meet some very interesting people in some very interesting places : chatting with the talented Ricardo and Rodrigo in Santiago (Chile), drinking a few beers with Denis Behr (Münich), attending the Tapati Rapa Nui festival, a magic festival where magic comes back to its anthropological roots (Easter Island), and spending very good moments with my Tampa (Florida) magician friends, among others.
And I won’t stop traveling this year! I will be in London in early January to attend The Session, then I fly to Las Vegas for the annual meeting of the Society of American Magicians (I am a member!) . At this convention I will have the opportunity to show one of my magic creations to the Penn&Teller “Fool Us” casting crew ! If my work meets their expectations, then you should see my on TV ! Fingers crossed; we will see…

Auditioning soon !
Then in February I will attend the Blackpool magic convention in England. Blackpool is one of the best conventions you could imagine with dozens of shows, 150 magic dealers, and almost 4.000 magicians from all over the world, including many famous artists – tons of fun ! Later in 2020 I plan on attending my very first Cardistry convention and fly to Pittsburgh to meet other deck collectors.
To be continued ! …