I had the pleasure of joining the Tampa Magic Club, officially known as “Warren Hamilton I.BM. Ring 175″, for a great evening of fun and magic in early April.

I was first introduced to the Tampa Magic Club months ago thanks to my dear friends John and Denise. John has volunteered as the club’s Secretary since 2018. At his request, I performed via Zoom at the “Tampa Bay Festival of Magic” last year as it was impossible to physically meet back then.
The club meets on the first Tuesday of each month and since I was in Tampa in early April I was excited I could join the monthly gathering and meet everyone in person at last!
There were roughly twenty attendees when the meeting started. The theme for the evening was “Gambling and Games of Chance“. I took the opportunity to perform an effect from my book in which, despite chaotic dealings and genuinely free choices, only the selected cards end up in the correct position. There effects performed were varied, including routines with cards, chains, sucker bets, mentalism, and coins. Club vice-president John Keever started the night with Eugene Burger’s “Voodoo Poker” with the help of Sarah K. and Lowell T. I came up next. Then Joe Dobson asked for the help of Carole while openly scamming her with a clever version of the classical “Fast and Loose” or “On the Barrell Head” chain trick. Martin Preston followed with a sucker bet using the same prop but a different presentation. Then came two coins routines, the “Hanging Coins” flawlessly executed by Lowell Tauszik, and “Charming Chinese Challenge” performed by Daniel P.Fite. We then enjoyed watching Frank Velasco fool us badly with a complex yet very direct card routine where, no matter what the spectators instructed, the magician always came to a successful conclusion. As if this was not enough, additional performances were given by Tom Vorjohan (cards), Martin Preston (cards), Jim Greiner (cards), Lar Hookaway (mentalism), John Holly (scams and bets, guaranteed to make you enemies), Erick Olson (cards), Dr. John Aime (cards) and P.J. (cards to box).

Great tricks, funny jokes, relaxed atmosphere, friendly members and delicious pancakes … what more could you ask for?