Alex and I met while I was performing back in 2013, if my memory serves me correctly, and we have been in contact ever since. Back then Alex was based in Berlin (Germany, not New Hampshire !) where this highly talented man worked both as an illustrator and a tattoo artist. Alex has always been interested in magic in general, and in close up in particular, so it makes perfect sense for him to develop and design some beautiful and unique playing cards of his own. The results of his effort were fantastic as you can see (I am far from being objective, sorry …)

Alex carefully thought out all of the details which make up his rather intricate and elegant design. Nothing was left to chance. The philosopher stone is displayed on every back, surrounded by symbolical representations of the four elements. Each of the faces is also quite unique as Alex emphasized the geometry, the harmony, and the classical mystery associated with alchemy rituals. His Ace of Spades is trully magnificent and the embossed card case makes this a deck you will want to have in your collection.

Here are some additional details regarding the Alchemy Deck :
– production is limited to 1.000 decks, so order yours soon!
– each deck includes 56 poker size cards : 52 cards, 2 Jokers, 1 double-backer and 1 special gaff card
– expert printing by Cartamundi on Linen Finish Premium B9 card stock guarantees a quality product
– elegant gold foil and embossing on the tuck case make this a deck you will be pround to carry.
Interested ? Please visit Kickstarter just hereĀ ALCHEMY