Luxembourg magician Sylvain Juzan wins magic awards worldwide
2nd prize close up category at the 2018 Daytona Beach Festival of Magic (USA)
We only had eight minutes to fool three judges who would evaluate us on five criteria, including technicall skills, global entertainment value and originality. Each of these judges gave us a note on 50 points and these notes were added to get a total on 150 points. Everything was filmed and recorded live so that the entire audience could enjoy the shows.

2nd prize close up category at the 2015 OlyBet Magic Mania (Riga, Latvia)
Compared to my award at the Belgian Championships (see under), the jury was made of international well-known magicians but also laymen. Competitors were in front of a live audience, TV monitors displaying the acts. So the objectives were to be both fooling and entertaining.

The Spy who loved my Magic, and gave me my award !

3rd prize close up category at the 2011 Belgium Magic Championships (Brussels, Belgium)
This competition was judegd according to the FISM criterias Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques, the global Federation that supervises all national federations): originality, presentation, commercial aspect and technical skills.
The judges:
- Peter Din, president of the Fédération Française des Artistes Prestidigitateurs (Fr),
- Patrick Hourdequin, director of the Monaco Princess Grace Theater (Mo),
- Domenico Dante, FISM vice-president (It),
- Walter Rolfo, Italian TV star and organizer of the Masters of Magic (It),
- Gerrit Brengman, FISM vice-president (Be),
- Thierry Schanen, president of the French Team of Magic (Fr),
- Gérald Mainart, president of the Magica Nice and organizer of the famous Colombe d’Or (Fr),
- Jo Maldera, director of L’Actu des Arts Magiques (Fr).
The way candidates are given awards is not only related to their relative performance but also to a strict notation system based on a specific number of points. Hence for this close-up competition nobody was given the second prize (but the first prize was awarded).